‘Nehru Thought Indians Were Lazy, Indira Gandhi Had The Same Views’: PM Modi In Lok Sabha

While addressing the Lok Sabha on Motion of Thanks on the President’s Address, PM Narendra Modi took a jibe at Congress stalwart and Former PM Jawaharlal Nehru for belittling Indians and considering them as “lazy” and less “intelligent”. During his address, PM Modi recalled an excerpt from Former PM Nehru’s address from the ramparts of Red Fort. During that address, Jawaharlal Nehru insulted Indians viz-a-viz citizens of other nations.
Read more at: https://www.opindia.com/2024/02/nehru-thought-indians-were-lazy-pm-modi-launches-a-scathing-attack-on-congress-in-lok-sabha/
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- 6 Feb 2024
- WerIndia