Pakistan: While Authorities Allow Muslims To Abduct And Marry Underage Hindu Girls, They Step In To Save A Minor Muslim Girl From Forced Marriage

Pakistan Khyber
Photo courtesy: OpIndia

The authorities in Peshawar which is in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, arrested a 72-year-old man for attempting to marry a 12-year-old girl. An attempt to marry the juvenile was thwarted by the cops in Charsadda who also apprehended the Nikkah Khwan (a person who solemnizes the marriage). The girl’s father, Alam Syed, had consented to sell her to the man for PKR 500,000, according to the police. However, the cops interfered shortly before the Nikah (Islamic wedding ceremony) and took the septuagenarian, identified as Habib Khan, and the Nikah Khwan into custody.

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  • 18 Jun 2024
  • WerIndia

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