PM Modi address nation on revoking Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir

PM Modi address nation on revoking Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir
Photo courtesy: India Today

PM Narendra Modi addressed the nation regarding Article 370 and the meaning and consequences of it being revoked in Jammu and Kashmir. PM Modi strongly felt that the revoking of Article 370 would bring about economic development in the region. Despite there being assertions about the move posing a threat for increased terrorism, Modi said that Jammu and Kashmir will experience peace under the new structure. An important aspect of his address was when he said that Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory status was temporary and it will regain it’s statehood after peace returns while Ladakh will remain a Union Territory. The address was anticipated by the entire nation to understand more about the move.

Source: Twitter

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  • 9 Aug 2019
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