Prime Minister Launches M-Yoga App on 7th International Day Of Yoga 2021

Prime Minister Launches M-Yoga App on 7th International Day Of Yoga 2021
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PM Modi “When India proposed the International Day of Yoga in the United Nations, the spirit behind it was to make this Yoga science accessible to the entire world. Today, India has taken another important step in this direction along with the United Nations and WHO.

Now the world is going to get the power of the m-Yoga app. In this app, many videos of Yoga training will be available in different languages of the world based on the common Yoga protocol. It is also a great example of the fusion of modern technology and ancient science. I am sure the m-Yoga app will play a big role in expanding Yoga across the globe and making the efforts of One World, One Health a success.”


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  • 22 Jun 2021
  • WerIndia

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