Rahul Gandhi Admits What The Country Always Knew Admits To Exploitation Of Dalits Under Congress Rule

Congress Rule
Photo courtesy: OpIndia

 Panchkula, Haryana: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi says, “I have been sitting in the system since the day I was born. I understand the system from the inside. You cannot hide the system from me. How it works, whom it favours, how it favours, whom it protects, whom it attacks, I know everything because I come from inside the system. When my grandmother was the PM, my father was the PM, and when Manmohan Singh was the PM, I used to go to the PM’s house. So I know how the system works from the inside. I can tell you one thing, the system is aligned against the lower castes, severely and on every level…”


Read more at: https://www.opindia.com/2024/05/pm-modi-says-sometimes-habitual-liars-speak-truth-rahul-gandhi-admits-to-exploitation-of-dalits-under-congress-rule/


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  • 24 May 2024
  • WerIndia

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