Shocking! DMK’s Christian Chennai Mayor fraudulently usurps reserved SC seat , R Priya Is a Christian & Not A ‘Dalit‘

Shocking! DMK’s Christian Chennai Mayor fraudulently usurps reserved SC seat , R Priya Is a Christian & Not A ‘Dalit‘
Photo courtesy: Hindu post

The MK Stalin led DMK government made a big song and dance about electing the first ‘Dalit’ (Scheduled Caste, SC) woman Mayor of Chennai when they nominated 28 year old R. Priya to the said post. The DMK, its allies and their media fellow travellers hailed it as a symbol of Dalit empowerment. R Priya Is a Christian & Not A ‘Dalit‘-There is a slight problem with the picture perfect propaganda of DMK optics. R Priya is a Christian with a Hindu name and not a SC Hindu to avail the benefit of a reserved SC seat.


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  • 11 Mar 2022
  • WerIndia

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