Supporters and protestors clash in Begusarai as Kanhaiya Kumar was met with ‘unwelcoming’ slogans

Supporters and protestors clash in Begusarai as Kanhaiya Kumar was met with 'unwelcoming' slogans
Photo courtesy: New Indian Express

Supporters of the CPI candidate Kanhaiya Kumar clashed with locals and protestors who met Kanhaiya Kumar’s road show with black flags and slogans of  ‘Kanhaiya Wapas Jao’. The protestors were beaten with bamboo sticks by Kumar’s supporters and violence continued till the police arrived to take control of the situation. This is the third such instance where Kumar’s political activity has been met with black flags. A non-violent protest of waving flags and using non-derogatory slogans should not be met with violence, especially in a democracy where people have the right to express dissent and displeasure.

Source: Twitter

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  • 22 Apr 2019
  • WerIndia

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