Tamil Nadu: Ban On ‘Pattina Pravesam’ Of The Dharumapuram Adheenam Seer Revoked After Protests By Hindus

The Revenue Divisional Officer in Tamil Nadu’s Mayiladuthurai has revoked the ban imposed on the palanquin carriage of the Dharmapuram Adheenam Seer during the ‘Pattina Pravesam’ ritual. The administration in an order last week had banned the traditional practice of people carrying the seer in a palanquin citing law & order concerns and alleged human rights violations caused by the tradition.
Read more at: https://www.opindia.com/2022/05/ban-on-pattina-pravesam-of-dharumapuram-adheenam-seer-revoked/
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- 9 May 2022
- WerIndia