Truth Behind The Viral Picture Of Bhagwan Ganapati From Karnataka

Bhagwan Ganapati
Photo courtesy: The Jaipur Dialogues

Karnataka became the hot topic on social media yesterday for the worst of reasons. In the wake of escalating tensions in Karnataka’s Mandya district, a single image managed to evoke deep sadness and outrage among Hindus across the nation. This picture showed the sight of Lord Ganesha’s idol, behind the bars of a Karnataka police van. The powerful imagery made the Diety seem like a prisoner! Consequently, it spread like wildfire on social media. Amid rising violence and targeted “peaceful” attacks in INC-ruled Karnataka, this image represented the deep betrayal felt by Hindus! It became a symbol of a wounded faith and a disenchanted public. But what was the truth behind the Viral Ganapati picture? Let’s explore!

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  • 19 Sep 2024
  • WerIndia

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