UN’s Hatred against India Continues

With two of UN’s special rapporteurs taking up cudgels in defense of the tainted journalist Ms. Rana Ayyub, it is high time that UN as a body straighten up their priorities and not interfere in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation like India. Whatever is happening on the global diplomatic front, led by the UN, isn’t anything novel for India. India has suffered for years at UN members’ hands for obvious reasons. This is specifically due to UN members’ distorted perception of minorities, particularly Muslims, being the most targeted and hated group, in India. The reality is quite different, and there are no qualms about it. No doubt.
Read more at: https://www.thejaipurdialogues.com/indic-corner/global/uns-hatred-against-india/
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- 2 Mar 2022
- WerIndia