Up to 1 Million Children Abused By Italian Priests Over 7 Decades, Says Vatican Insider – And It Barely Makes The News

Up to 1 Million Children Abused By Italian Priests Over 7 Decades, Says Vatican Insider – And It Barely Makes The News
Photo courtesy: Hindupost

The most dangerous moment in any scandal is when anger shades into indifference, when revelations that once had the power to shock become so normalised that they scarcely register. I wonder if we have reached such a tipping point in one of the most disturbing stories of our age: the sexual abuse of children by Roman Catholic priests.


Read more at: https://hindupost.in/dharma-religion/up-to-1-million-children-abused-by-italian-priests-over-7-decades-says-vatican-insider-and-it-barely-makes-the-news/


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  • 22 Feb 2022
  • WerIndia

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