Violation Of Child Rights In Madrasah Schools In Assam

Madrasah are Islamic school in Assam, where recent survey was done in the Muslim dominated areas Dhubri and South Salmara. The Survey was carried by the Assam State Commission For Protection Of Child Rights(ASCPCR) that has warned about the danger related to the violation of child rights and RTE acts in the Madrasah schools in Assam.
Chairperson Sunita Changkakoti had attended the schools along with the team found few boys and girls in the school. Girls Study in the school for two to three years and then they get married, girls don’t have any interest in studies. Most of the Madrasah schools in Assam are likely to shut down due to the violation of child rights and acts.
Source:First Post
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- 18 Sep 2019
- WerIndia