When Rajdeep Sardesai Will Learn Lessons For His Mistakes? Rajdeep Sardesai Calls Arif Mohammad Khan A ‘BJP Agent’ And ‘Rubber Stamp’, The Kerala Governor Shuts Him Up And How

As the anti-CAA ‘protests’ begins to fizzle out, the “liberal-secular” media seems to be desperate as they are now indulging in bullying and attacking people, especially constitutional heads for not subscribing to their views on the Citizenship Amendment Act. On Thursday, Rajdeep Sardesai, arguably India’s greatest fake news peddler, found an avenue to express his frustration against the Narendra Modi government by inviting Kerala Governor Arif Mohammad Khan
Read more at: https://www.opindia.com/2020/01/rajdeep-sardesai-insults-kerala-governor-arif-mohammad-khan-gets-shut-up-call/
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- 16 Feb 2022
- WerIndia