Why Islamists Feel ‘Ex-Muslims Of Kerala’ A Bigger Threat To Islam Than Sangh Parivar

If there is anything that Islamists fear more than the Sangh Parivar in Kerala, it is a group of highly spirited and vocal Ex-Muslims. The fear for these apostates (murtd) is so palpable among the Islamists that the latter’s presence in the social media platforms, especially Clubhouse, has thinned and the mullahs who used to hard-sell Islam as an infallible and invincible ideology, and vouch to make Kerala an ‘Islamic country in 10 years’ are running for cover.
Read more at: https://indusscrolls.com/why-islamists-feel-ex-muslims-of-kerala-a-bigger-threat-to-islam-than-sangh-parivar/
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- 21 Jan 2022
- WerIndia