Zubair’s Fake News Empire Crumbles Worldwide

Mohammad Zubair needs no introduction. Mohammad Zubair is the self-proclaimed guardian of free speech, the ringmaster of the fake news circus propagated by Alt News. Now, he’s no stranger to controversy, but this time, he’s managed to outdo himself.
You see, Mohammad Zubair has made a name for himself by putting people in danger, all in the name of “fact-checking.” But his recent escapades have earned him a spanking on a global scale. The kingpin of fake news got a taste of Mohammad Zubair own medicine, and it wasn’t just a slap on the wrist
Read more at: https://tfipost.com/2023/10/zubairs-fake-news-empire-crumbles-worldwide/
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- 19 Oct 2023
- WerIndia