China Threatens Indian Consumers And India… Do We Care?

China Threatens Indian Consumers And India... Do We Care?
Photo courtesy: WerIndia

Indians have started slowly but surely started boycotting Chinese goods. Confederation of All India Traders (or CAIT) reports that sale of Chinese products is expected to decline by 30 per cent this Diwali. Sardar Bazar in Delhi, India’s largest wholesale market, traders have noted that Chinese goods sales are dropping by at least 20 percent, and in some other cities and markets by over 40%. While the mutual trade between India and China has been growing rapidly, India’s imports from China are nearly 40 times larger than China’s imports from India. China has noticed these trends, and now China has issue an threat which is these trends if continue would negatively impact the India-bound investments from its enterprises and also the bilateral cooperation between the two countries. But do we really care?

Source: TOI

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  • 29 Oct 2016
  • WerIndia

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