DEMO Effect – Papaya To Rectum (Or “Bum’) Used To Hide Gold…

DEMO Effect - Papaya To Rectum (Or "Bum') Used To Hide Gold
Photo courtesy: DNA India

Demonetization seems to have stressed strugglers a lot who according to customs officials have had to get more creative. Some of the strangest ways of recent smuggling gold have included hiding nearly 70 lakhs in a papaya (not so terrible), to cutup chappals or baby diapers to inserting it in their body cavities including rectums (soooo terrible). So after this some of this gold is sold or used, so let us keep that in mind. As such smuggling has seen a big increase since demonetization, customs officials say they are monitoring suspects and they also receive tip-offs.

Source: DNA India

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  • 25 Jan 2017
  • WerIndia

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