Good, In Goa BJP Almost Lost Due to Minority Appeasement…

In Goa BJP Almost Lost Due to Minority Appeasement
Photo courtesy: Postcard

As a strong message and lesson, the BJP “almost” lost the Goa state elections in a big way. The state unit of RSS under Subhash Velingkar was  upset with the ruling BJP as they continued to provide state funding for christian church (minority) run English schools, but the state government refused to accord similar funding support to Marathi and Konkani run schools. How unfair? The Goa RSS unit, which was at the forefront of this fight to achieve equality across religions and religions could not get much headway from the BJP government, leading to the entire Goa RSS unit parting ways and forming their own political party – the Goa Suraksha Manch. The end result was the loss of more than a third of the MLA seats and losing a big chunk of the votes.

Source: Postcard

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  • 16 Mar 2017
  • WerIndia

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