Half Of Bengal’s Population Will One Day Speak Urdu: Old Video Of Kolkata Mayor Thanking Mamata Banerjee

Firhad Hakim
Photo courtesy: OpIndia

In a video shared on X (formerly Twitter) by user ‘Mintu Roy’, Hakim was heard saying, “Inshallah, one day will come when half of the population of Bengal will speak Urdu and recite poetry.”

His remark aimed at the promotion of Urdu in West Bengal was greeted with applause by Muslims present at the event. It must be mentioned that Bengalis have a history of resisting the imposition of non-native languages particularly Urdu.


Read more at: https://www.opindia.com/2023/12/old-video-kolkata-mayor-firhad-hakim-urdu-propehcy-half-population-west-bengal-viral/


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  • 19 Dec 2023
  • WerIndia

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