‘Lord Ayyappa, The Celibate Deity Will Remain So…Despite A Wrong Supreme Court Petition

Lord Ayyappa rules the Sabarimala (mala means hills and mountains) is a Brahmachari and celibate. For tens and thousands of years, per the Lord and temple’s tantric & religious traditions, girls & women under 10 years and over 50 years could visit the temple and get close to the Lord but not those between the age of 10 to 50 as they are in the age when they have menstrual cycles.
A large number of women were willing to wait out till they reached the eligible age to visit the temple, however several other women were understandably upset about the temple’s age restrictions on women only. Added to this, as in most things in India, there were a group of “publicity seeking activists” and a floating group who joined together to challenge and strike the temple’s centuries old traditions.
it is always a sad day when age old temple traditions are challenged in a modern court of law. Despite this, the Supreme Court, after multiple hearing from varied stakeholders including the temple priests and caretakers, right concluded that the Lord Ayyappa wishes and the restrictive Temple traditions must be respected and cannot be overruled. We only hope such challenges are not even allowed in the future, and hope the Lord would forgive those who seek to challenge its wishes…
Source: Swarajyamag
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- 9 Aug 2018
- WerIndia