Malaysia: Row Erupts As Radical Wahhabi Influencer Abdellatif Ouisa Recites Quran Before Bhagwan Murugan’s Statue

Quran verse
Photo courtesy: Hindu Post

“A controversy has erupted after Abdellatif Ouisa, a Germany-based Muslim Dawah influencer, posted a video of himself reciting a Surah from the Quran in front of the revered Lord Murugan statue at Batu Caves temple, Malaysia. The video, which criticises idol worship, has garnered lakhs of views on TikTok and thousands more on Instagram and Facebook, drawing sharp criticism from the Hindu community. The Batu Caves Murugan temple is a significant religious site for Hindus worldwide, renowned for its majestic Lord Murugan statue and impressive cave temple architecture, which attract millions of tourists annually. On May 19, Abdellatif Ouisa visited the site and recorded a TikTok video where he recited a Quran verse against idol worship while standing in front of the Lord Murugan idol.

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  • 24 May 2024
  • WerIndia

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