Only In India – 11 Crores To Perform Last Rites For Jain Monk

Only In India - 11 Crores To Perform Last Rites For Jain Monk
Photo courtesy: Google

Shri Premsurjiswaji, 97, a highly revered Jain monk and who was the chief of Tapagachha sect died recently. Not surprising, Jains consider it to be a great honour to support and take part in the funeral rites of such eminent monks including lighting the pyre and rituals that follow. In keeping with this spirit, 5 members of the Jain community, a builder, a doctor and three other business persons raised a combined 11,11,11,111 which is more than 11 crores to light the funeral pyre. A temple will come up at the funeral site. Perhaps some wonder what happens to such large funds raised and the simple answer is a trust fund is setup and all donated funds are used for charitable purposes.

Source: TOI

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  • 27 Sep 2016
  • WerIndia

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