Scary – Pakistanis Are Getting Genuine Aadhar Cards…

Scary - Pakistanis Are Getting Genuine Aadhar Cards
Photo courtesy: Google

Kerala police have identified 3 Pakistanis living in a rented house with Aadhar card and several other documents that would make them eligible for Indian citizenship. They used changed names such as Samira was changed to Najma and Kirhon become Kiran. UIDAI officials say this could be an isolated case, but how do they know that? The Aadhar Card was touted to have fool-proof biometric security features. With lakhs and millions of illegal Bangladeshis in the country, and of course terrorists from Pakistan, could people get the Aadhar card and later Indian citizenship quite easily? This matter needs to be fully investigated.

Source: The Hindu

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  • 26 May 2017
  • WerIndia

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