Sonia Gandhi doesn't accept Narendra Modi as Prime Minister
Photo courtesy: Google

Sonia Gandhi makes it clearer by the day that she still does not accept him as prime minister. She appears not to have adjusted to not being de facto prime minister and queen regent. She appears also to feel a frantic need to be permanently on the front pages of newspapers. In the decade that she ruled India as de facto prime minister she never deigned to speak to reporters but now she seeks them out to rant against some new ‘misdemeanor’ that she believes Modi is guilty of. Can Sonia block every session of Parliament for that long? Can she continue to try and prove that the people of India are on her side even if they gave her only 44 seats in the Lok Sabha? AND SONIA SHOULD KNOW THAT VOTERS VOTED HER OUT BECAUSE THEY ARE ANGRY AT HOW MUCH SHE HAS HARMED INDIA.

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  • 10 Aug 2015
  • WerIndia

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