Video – Pro-Israel Protester Chants ‘Jai Sree Ram’ At Islamist’s And White Nazi Supremacists

Pro Israel Protest
Photo courtesy: Hindu Human Rights

As expected Pro-Palestinian protests at various US campuses by Islamists backed by Jew hating white supremacists are now bringing out the wider jihadist agenda where India and Hindus are starting to become targets.

They have the backing from useful idiots like these ‘left-liberal progressive’ Whites’ in the academia and media who ‘white’-wash the Gaza issue as having nothing to do with the Islamist jihadist agenda which even makes the flat earth theory more believable in comparison. But with these types of whites, it’s in their DNA that their hidden racism always resurfaces sooner or later against Jews and Hindus especially when they have brown-faced nazis and supremacists to hide behind.


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  • 10 May 2024
  • WerIndia

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