Today It Is 12, Tomorrow It Can Be 120: SC Slams Maharashtra Govt For Suspending 12 BJP MLAs, Leaving Constituencies Unrepresented

Today It Is 12, Tomorrow It Can Be 120: SC Slams Maharashtra Govt For Suspending 12 BJP MLAs, Leaving Constituencies Unrepresented
Photo courtesy: Opindia

The Supreme Court has come hard on the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly for the suspension of 12 BJP MLAs for one year in July last year, calling the move “worse than expulsion”. The apex court bench of Justices Khanwilkar, Dinesh Maheshwari and Ravikumar on Tuesday called the suspension of the MLAs unconstitutional, according to Article 190(4) of the Constitution.


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  • 12 Jan 2022
  • WerIndia

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