Sadhguru Injects Secularism Into Mahashivratri Celebration, Yet Attacked By Liberals Over His Appearance On US TV Show

Sadhguru Injects Secularism Into Mahashivratri Celebration, Yet Attacked By Liberals Over His Appearance On US TV Show
Photo courtesy: Hindupost

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, who has been caught on the wrong foot previously as well when he downplayed the persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh, has left Islamists and left-liberal red-faced after his appearance in a US TV show hosted by Trevor Noah. Both Noah and Sadhguru came under attack from the Islamo-leftist cabal.

The spiritual guru was on the show to promote his latest initiative “Save Soil Movement”. An OpIndia report on the matter said:South African comedian Trevor Noah posted a tweet saying he would host Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev to discuss the “Save Soil movement”, the latest campaign launched by the spiritual leader to prevent soil degradation and desertification…


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  • 15 Mar 2022
  • WerIndia

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