Blatant Anti-hindu Propaganda: Hindu Activists Expose Missionary Agenda Of Selling Distorted Bhagavad Gita Versions

In an undated video believed to be from Shankarpally in the Telugu-speaking states (AP or Telangana), Hindu activists captured scenes showing blatant dissemination of anti-Hindu missionary propaganda.
In the video, one can see Hindu activists confronting a youth allegedly from Nepal selling distorted versions of the Bhagavad Gita to the unsuspecting public. From the video, it seems that this version of the Gita is a “secularised” version of the original. On the first page of the book, the text in Telugu translates to “Life is our Creed. Ours is Human Dharmam. No Dharma like Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, or Christian exists”
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- 5 Apr 2024
- WerIndia