How Yogi Adityanath’s Quick Action Shielded BJP From The Fallout Of ‘Politically Harmful’ Nazul Land Bill

Nazul Properties
Photo courtesy: Hindu Post

“The Uttar Pradesh legislative council stalled the Nazul Land Bill on Thursday (1 August), which could have severely harmed the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP’s) electoral prospects in the state. Nazul land is the land that the Indian government inherited from the erstwhile British government. Despite being government land, it is not directly administered by the government and is under private ownership in several places. The Nazul Properties (Management and Utilisation for Public Purposes) Bill 2024, passed by the legislative assembly on Wednesday, aims to disallow the conversion of such land into private ownership. Since these land parcels have existed since the British era, many owners have been living on them for a century and the proposed bill would have allowed their eviction by government officers for development works……”


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  • 5 Aug 2024
  • WerIndia

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