Khalistani Kashmir
Photo: First Post

Will Activists Apply The Palestine Strategy To Kashmir Or Khalistan?

On 10 May, 2024, the United Nations General Assembly endorsed the State of Palestine for full membership. The vote was overwhelming. One hundred forty-three countries including India voted in favour, 25 abstained, and nine countries voted against the resolution. India may come to regret its… Read More

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Photo: OpIndia

Another Case Of Taharrush? 13 Teenage Boys Arrested In Egypt After Video Of Mass Harassment Of Female Tourists Goes Viral

Egyptian authorities have arrested 13 teenage boys between the age of 13 and 15 after a video of mass harassment of foreign female tourists at Giza pyramids went viral. The incident happened on the 3rd day of Eid-al-Fitr at the famous pyramids near Cairo.  … Read More

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