Terror attack in jammu Kashmir sopora,ourvoice, werIndia
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सोपोर में आतंकियों के साथ मुठभेड़ में 2 पुलिस वाले घायल 1 शहीद

पाकिस्तान का सीजफायर उल्लंघन, जम्मू कश्मीर के सोपोर में आतंकियों के साथ मुठभेड़ में 2 पुलिस वाले घायल, घायलों में एसएचओ भी शामिल हैं, आर्मी रायफल के जवान 24 साल के यश पॉल शहीद । Source: opinion Read More

  • google news
  • 21 Mar 2019
  • WerIndia
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Article 35 A of Indian Constitutions,Hearing On Supreme Court On Kashmir Demographics.
Photo: Development News

Article 35 A of Indian Constitutions,Hearing On Supreme Court On Kashmir Demographics.

Article 35 A of Indian constitutions, that is issued to the benefits of the citizens of Jammu and Kashmir. Providing the rights to permanent citizens, the law that protects the rights of the natives of Kashmir. Article 35A has been challenged to the supreme court… Read More

  • Republic world
  • 25 Feb 2019
  • WerIndia
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14,000 Soldier & Community Bunkers To Be Constructed In Jammu...
Photo: NDTV

14,000 Soldier & Community Bunkers To Be Constructed In Jammu…

Given the "near" perpetual state of war along the line of control in Jammu, government will construct 13,000 soldier bunkers and over 1,400 community bunkers. Soldier bunkers would be 160 square feet and can hold 4 to 8 people while community bunkers would be 800 square feet and can hold 40 people. These… Read More

  • https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/14-000-bunkers-to-be-constructed-along-pakistan-border-says-government-1796930
  • 9 Jan 2018
  • WerIndia
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India's Own Horror Story: Muslim Man Throws 4 Of His Daughters Out Of Train...
Photo: Hindustan Times

India’s Own Horror Story: Muslim Man Throws 4 Of His Daughters Out Of Train…

A Muslim man from Bihar who has 5 daughters of ages 12, 9, 7, 4 and 2 threw from a moving train at night the oldest 4. One of the girls died and the other 3 survived with major injuries. The train was going from Patna to Jammu. It appears that… Read More

  • http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/four-sisters-thrown-off-train-in-up-the-father-did-it-says-the-mother/story-SO6Db1WDiXy1DKKZH0T01I.html
  • 6 Nov 2017
  • WerIndia
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Shocked?... Hindus Not Safe In India, A Hindu Majority Country
Photo: NDTV

Shocked? Hindus not safe in India, A Hindu Majority Country

All Indians should be safe anywhere in India, but SADLY HINDUS INCREASINGLY ARE UNSAFE IN THEIR OWN HINDU MAJORITY COUNTRY. This is happening in Kashmir, now Jammu, Kerala, Chattisgarh, Bengal, Tripura, parts of Assam and others parts of the North-East. Only Hindus are targeted and raped, humiliated, killed and converted.… Read More

  • http://www.ndtv.com/opinion/war-on-hindus-in-a-land-of-photocopied-condolences-1723527
  • 12 Jul 2017
  • WerIndia
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India Been Too Generous To Kashmir (But Not Jammu or Ladakh)
Photo: The Hindu

India Been Too Generous To Kashmir (But Not Jammu or Ladakh)…

Now there are news reports that even girls from well do and government funded colleges are throwing stones and want to join protesters. Rest of India - "REMEMBER KASHMIR IS AND WILL REMAIN ALWAYS PART OF INDIA" - is left wondering what is wrong with the people of Kashmir. They… Read More

  • http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/girls-take-srinagar-streets-by-storm/article18204451.ece
  • 29 Apr 2017
  • WerIndia
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To solve this, give statehood to Jammu and confer Union Territory status to Ladakh and the two regions can be fully integrated with India. Kashmir with less than 5 million people can be isolated and dealt with separately. Read More

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Photo: IBN Live


India's pride: Rockey - the 27-year-old constable of the forces' 65th Battalion emptied his entire magazine containing about 40 bullets when the two heavily-armed militants attacked a Border Security Force convoy and a dark-green bus which had about 30 force personnel travelling in it in Udhampur. The young trooper, a… Read More

  • http://www.ibnlive.com/news/india/bsf-jawan-rockey-stood-like-rock-against-terrorists-in-jk-1030756.html
  • 6 Aug 2015
  • WerIndia
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