Candian Hindus
Photo: OpIndia

Canadian Hindus Launch ‘Reclaim Swastika’ Campaign After Justin Trudeau Remarks Nazi Hakenkreuz

Hindu groups in Canada have taken it upon themselves to counter misinformation against the Swastika amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. A rise in anti-semitism has been symbolised by the growing display of the Nazi symbol, the Hakenkreuz, meaning the tilted cross, which the West conveniently… Read More

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Trudeau Canadians
Photo: First Post

Trouble For Trudeau -Majority of Canadians want Justin Trudeau to resign

As Prime Minister Justin Trudeau prepares to lead the Liberals into the 2025 federal election, a new Angus Reid Institute poll indicates that a majority of Canadians, including over two-fifths of Liberal voters, believe it’s time for a new leader. According to the survey conducted… Read More

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Boycott Canada
Photo: TFI Post

Changing Tides: The Rise of ‘Boycott Canada’

It appears that our country has shifted its focus away from the ‘Boycott China’ sentiment. This change is primarily due to Canada facing potential economic repercussions for its recent actions concerning India. In the wake of Justin Trudeau’s accusations of our nation’s involvement in the… Read More

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