Photo: OpIndia

Muslims Consolidated Behind INDI Alliance, Yet, Delhi Muslims Are Disappointed That The ‘Communal’ BJP Did Not Lose In The National Capital

The outcome of the Lok Sabha election may not have aligned with expectations for the Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance, but their performance in certain crucial regions has been outstanding and surpassed all expectations. In Delhi, the Aam Aadmi Party and Congress alliance was… Read More

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Bengal The National Capital For Acid Attacks In India ...
Photo: Hindustan Times

Bengal The National Capital For Acid Attacks In India…

Bengal is seeing rising acid attacks - and all of these are directed at women by men. Ms. Roopa Ganguly, Rajya Sabha member from Bengal says. The attacks and victims are growing each year and the vast majority (but not all) are from one community. Victims include widow, a mother… Read More

  • 17 Dec 2016
  • WerIndia
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