Jagannath Yatra
Photo: TFI Post

The Amazing Connection Between Donald Trump and the Jagannath Yatra

Recently, former U.S. President Donald J. Trump was attacked during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. He narrowly escaped but suffered an injury to his right ear, causing it to bleed. The attack resulted in the death of the attacker and two other people. Following this… Read More

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Jim Baker Elon
Photo: OpIndia

Elon Musk fires Twitter lawyer Jim Baker over his involvement in censoring Hunter Biden’s laptop and links to FBI’s Russia probe against Trump

On December 6 (local time), it was revealed that the delay in the second edition of Twitter Files was due to the revelation that former Deputy General Counsel James Baker was found to be reviving the Twitter Files. As per reports, he was immediately fired… Read More

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Donald Trump
Photo: OpIndia


Moments after the Twitter account of former US President Donald Trump was restored, netizens flooded the micro-blogging platform with memes. Twitter also witnessed a meltdown from the cabal of left-liberals, who had been at the helm of the vicious campaign to censor Trump. A Twitter… Read More

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F 16 Fleet
Photo: OpIndia

Reversing the Trump administration’s decision, US sanctions $450 million F-16 fleet sustainment program for Pakistan

On Wednesday, US President Joe Biden approved $450 million in financial aid to Pakistan to sustain a fleet of F-16 fighter jets, overriding the decision taken under previous President Donald Trump. This assistance is being provided to Pakistan in order for it to deal with… Read More

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Wow!! Donald Trump Calls General Mark Milley ‘ A f*cking Idiot’ For Saying That It Was Cheaper To Leave Behind Military Equipment In Afghanistan
Photo: Opindia

Wow!! Donald Trump Calls General Mark Milley ‘ A f*cking Idiot’ For Saying That It Was Cheaper To Leave Behind Military Equipment In Afghanistan

Former US President Donald Trump called US army general Mark Milley “a f*cking idiot” at an event on Saturday. Trump’s comment against the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley was made during a speech given at the Mar-a-Lago event organized by the… Read More

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‘We Live In A World Where Taliban Has A Huge Presence On Twitter’: Former US Pres Donald Trump Announces Own Social Media App ‘TRUTH Social’
Photo: Opindia

‘We Live In A World Where Taliban Has A Huge Presence On Twitter’: Former US Pres Donald Trump Announces Own Social Media App ‘TRUTH Social’

Former United States President Donald Trump has announced that he would be launching his own social media application, TRUTH Social. In a statement, he said that the new app would “stand up to Big tech” companies, including Twitter and Facebook. . Read more at: https://www.opindia.com/2021/10/truth-social-former-us-pres-donald-trump-announces-own-social-media-app/… Read More

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PM Modi asserts that Kashmir is a bilateral issue on a global platform
Photo: Indian Express

PM Modi asserts that Kashmir is a bilateral issue on a global platform

PM Modi attended the G7 Summit, met and held talks with US President Donald Trump. PM Modi made it clear that Kashmir was a bilateral issue and was to be resolved between India and Pakistan. He affirmed that he did not want to involve other… Read More

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United States Suspends Generalized System Of Preferences For India Trade Markets
Photo: Money Control

United States Suspends Generalized System Of Preferences For India Trade Markets

Generalized System Of Preferences for India has been excluded from the beneficiary developing nation by United States. Terminating GSP of 5.6 Billion USD which  provided concession to the nation to support the economic development of the Nation. This GSP is one of the largest and… Read More

  • Money Control
  • 1 Jun 2019
  • WerIndia
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India Government Say’s “Significant Impact” After Ending Preferential Trading With US Nation
Photo: Paste Magazine

India Government Says “Significant Impact” After Ending Preferential Trading With US Nation

Conversation lasting for long hours between Narendra Modi and Donald Trump, the India government has terminated the preferential Trade treatment with the US nation. The confident PM of India mentioned that India will have a significant impact as it already has the duty free entry… Read More

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Pakistan Is Suppose To Get No More Financial Aid From Trump
Photo: Geo.tv

Pakistan Government Is Suppose To Get No More Financial Aid From Trump

Financial aid for Pakistan government, an amount of 1.3 billion has been blocked by Donald Trump finds nothing in return addressing to the attack in Pulwama. Pakistan has been blamed for sheltering terrorism in spite of several attacks, India has been the main victim that… Read More

  • Postcard news
  • 25 Feb 2019
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Well said Mr. President - Pakis misused Rs. 215,000 cr of US Aid
Photo: Money control

Well said Mr. President – Pakis misused Rs. 215,000 cr of US Aid

Just as what India has been telling the world for many years, the US President said, "The United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars (translates to nearly Rs. 215,000 crores) in aid over the last 15 years, and they have given us nothing but lies & deceit, thinking of our… Read More

  • http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/world/us-has-foolishly-given-33-billion-to-pakistan-got-lies-in-return-donald-trump-2472919.html
  • 3 Jan 2018
  • WerIndia
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What President Trump Can Learn From PM Modi
Photo: Rediff

What President Trump Can Learn From PM Modi…

Both are successful people and have come up the hard way and continue to work very hard. President Trump has never been in government, while PM Modi has been a social worker, an an elected representative, a Chief Minister (arguably one of the most successful) and now the prime minister… Read More

  • http://www.rediff.com/news/column/what-trump-can-learn-from-modi/20170522.htm
  • 22 May 2017
  • WerIndia
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History Repeats Again? Indians Not Welcome In USA...
Photo: Google

History Repeats Again? Indians Not Welcome In USA…

USA issued an presidential executive order to dramatically alter the H1-B Visa programme, of which Indians were the biggest beneficiaries taking up more than 85% of the visa slots. Overtime, Indians added family members and then went on to become citizens and settle down in USA where they now comprise… Read More

  • http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/history-repeats-itself-south-asians-once-again-not_us_58fefe27e4b06c83622e7007
  • 26 Apr 2017
  • WerIndia
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Donald Trump Is The Best Thing For India
Photo: Business Insider

Donald Trump Is The Best Thing For India

After the historic American election with a unexpected landslide win by Donald Trump, India has lots of reasons to cheer as he is better than the losing Hillary Clinton. Trump promised to make India the best friend of the US and has stated that he looks forward to working with… Read More

  • http://www.sundayguardianlive.com/news/7140-clinton-presidency-will-be-disaster-india
  • 10 Nov 2016
  • WerIndia
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Indian Groups pray for Donald Trump
Photo: Mashable

Indian Groups pray for Donald Trump’s Success…

Indian and Indian-origin groups are praying for Donald Trump to become the next US President. They feel he whole world is screaming against Islamic terrorism, and even India is not safe from it. In light of Donald Trump's remarks, these people feel that only Donald Trump can save us from… Read More

  • http://mashable.com/2016/05/11/trump-hindu-supporters/#6cEvJmOt2OqE
  • 13 May 2016
  • WerIndia
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