Analysis & opinion - WeRIndia

India Rightly Abstains from Voting Against Israel, who is an All Weather Friend

Israel, who is a true-friend of India has convinced India to abstain from voting against the United Nations Human Rights resolutions which condemned Israel alone for alleged human rights violations last year, and assigned no responsibility to their opponents. Read More

  • 7 Jul 2015
  • WerIndia
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Criminal Defamation Laws are against the Indian Constitution – MUST BE ABOLISHED: Subramanian Swamy

British make our laws to enslave Indians. We were made stooges by Jawaharlal Nehru. Now I am trying to liberate all Indians from these laws. Read More

  • 7 Jul 2015
  • WerIndia
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Women outshine Men in the UPSC examinations

The top 3 candidates are all women - Ira Singhal, Renu Raj and Nidhi Gupta. Also, 4 of the top 5 are all women. Fantastic !!! Read More

  • 7 Jul 2015
  • WerIndia
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Bangladesh over 10% minority population (Hindus & others). To protect these minorities, should Bangladesh follow Big-brother India to be a Secular country?

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बांग्लादेश में 10% से अधिक अल्पसंख्यक जनसंख्या (हिंदू और अन्य) है। इन अल्पसंख्यकों की सुरक्षा के लिए, क्या बांग्लादेश को बड़े भाई भारत की तरह धर्मनिरपेक्ष देश बनना चाहिए?

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