Jal shakti Ahiyaan: Rain Water Harvesting In India
Photo: Jal shakti abhiyan

Jal shakti Ahiyaan: Rain Water Harvesting In India

India suffers from the water crisis, in 2019 Chennai was the most affected city to face the water crisis this year. About 21 cities have the capacity to bare minimum levels till 2020. Therefore the rain water harvesting scheme “Jal Shakti Abhiyan" Scheme has been… Read More

  • Azad India
  • 14 Nov 2019
  • WerIndia
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Sea Levels Rises Due To Melting Of Himalayan Ice Glaciers
Photo: ET

Sea Levels Rises Due To Melting Of Himalayan Ice Glaciers

Kolkata, Mumbai, Surat and Chennai coastal areas are at risk as the water of the sea levels are increasing due to melting of ice. Increase  in sea water level will lead to put the areas under flood while on the other hand crisis of water… Read More

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Water crisis in India Jal Shakti Abhiyan Launched From July 1 2019
Photo: News 18

Water crisis in India Jal Shakti Abhiyan Launched From July 1 2019

While different part of India and the people are suffering from water crisis in India. Above of the imposed heat waves has made survival difficult. In order to fight against the severe scarcity of India 255 officers have been chosen under the “Jal Shakti Abhijaan” … Read More

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Lack of Rain Lead to Water Crisis In Chennai Largest City of India
Photo: NDTV

Lack of Rain Lead to Water Crisis In Chennai Largest City In India

Monsoon Delay has led to drinking water crisis in Chennai, largest city in India. Heat waves are increasing day by day with the death toll rise of people. Monsoon 2017 had washed away Chennai that is unlike this year 2019 that state is running through… Read More

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